Thursday, September 23, 2010


I thought the video was very interesting. I like the way Tulley thinks and had new ideas for learning. The having no set curriculum and no tests had me wanting to go there myself. When i think of our current system of education, all i can think of is tests, homework, and never getting in class projects. I find it sad that most teachers don't even communicate with most of their students or make them participate. Teachers should make every student take that "what kind of learning are you" quiz so that they know what they are dealing with. but instead most teachers don't care and just write a bunch of words on the board and expect for you to know what you're doing. My experiences in school are boring, no field trips, no projects, just being expected to want to learn. Tulley's way of learning is very confronting, he makes you trust others with sharp objects, real tools, and insures you with a better sense of how the make things and how the real world works. He makes you realize that you shouldn't look at life as a huge step you have to take, but as a bunch of small steps that will get you closer to success. Outside of school, like having a job, makes you be friendly, makes sure you finish your job, cause if you don't, you could get fired or yelled at. When you screw up at a job, you learn from it because your boss tells you how to do it the right way, teachers just assume you know. Some students are very shy and won't speak up if they don't know what they are doing, i know many teachers who only like the students who ask questions and know what they are doing. I would want to attend a school like Tulley's, i feel like i would learn more teamwork, how to figure things out, how I i figure things out, and when i screw up it would just be analyzed. I'm a person that needs to be involved in projects, see pictures instead of a bunch of words, and be more involved or else i get bored pretty fast. Our society doesn't respond to failure very well. If you fail, you are looked down upon very much so. I feel like everyone needs to settle down and realize that everybody makes mistakes, even yourself. So think twice before you look down upon someone for screwing up, It's only human. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Arriving back home after a long 4 hour drive was a relief as i dislike driving far places to an extreme! Exhausted as i was, spending Thursday night to just sleep at my mom's house was the best idea ever. My dad surprised me a call the next day, telling me my Grandma was up. Bringing my boyfriend with me to my Dad's house was all the better, I had all my favorite people in one place. We took over the kitchen, making steak, potatoes, and corn on the cob! Saturday was quite the chill day, had the company of my two favorite blonde girls. Watching movies and eating seemed to cure our entertainment needs that night. Buckin' rodeo with my Best Friend by my side definitely made my 3 day weekend without a doubt. 

Coming from a "village" of very few people, La Crosse can be pretty exciting to me. Weekends full of family and friend time  makes me feel lonely and bored when i get back into the "college" life, even in a town of many thousands, proves that family and friends mean the most to me. I do my best to cherish every moment i have with them! I love my life!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lakyn's first blog.

My name is Lakyn Marie Lombard, if you’re wondering how I got my name.. My mother was watching a soap opera while in labor and decided that Lakyn should be my name instead of Rachel. I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on August 2nd, 1991.. That makes me 19 years young. I moved a lot when I was younger but I lived in Iron River, Wisconsin from kindergarden til my senior year in high school. I am majoring in Graphic Design and I hope to have a business with my mom someday where she takes pictures and I edit them. I am currently living in the brand new Western Residence hall. I like to listen to hip-hop and pop music, sometimes rock. I’m really close with my family and I plan to keep it that way. I really want to live in Colorado when I’m older.